February 10, 2023   adminanswerpointadmin

Dataman:  What’s the (Answer) Point?

Some of you may wonder where AnswerPoint’s Dataman came from. Why would we invest in this effort?  

Although AnswerPoint has been in business for over 20 years, we are still challenged to explain what we do in a few sentences or less. We deliver a broad approach to data management and leveraging data to help businesses grow and increase profitability. We do this holistically:  Our team brings many skills to the table for our clients, both to solve problems and to move them forwards. We deliver daily effort of “blue collar” database work, such as monitoring, repairing, and migration. But when called upon, we are quick to help with strategies and super AI application development to help clients achieve their objectives and beyond! So one day, we had a client who told us we were their Superhero. Ah ha! we thought:  Perhaps a superhero story is the best way to describe our capabilities in a way beyond the geeky explanation of database services. Dataman came to life as a personification of our capabilities.

With that foundation, we set out to create this character. We found some of the best storytellers in the industry. Harry Allen, our writer, has many years of experience as a writer and reporter. Our artist, Miguel Garcia, is a brilliant artist and creative illustrator who brings our story to fruition.

Building a comic series is very much like building a functioning information system. It brings together storyboards, images, colors, comics, all encompassed with a theme and a goal. As database experts, we found it fascinating. Coming up with storylines was easy: Dataman’s heroic efforts are loosely based on actual client projects that we have solved over the years. Thus, the comics are service descriptions and case studies all in one, in a much more interesting and fun platform than a PowerPoint list!

We love to work with our clients to think outside the box. We eat, sleep, and breathe data analytics and database management. Dataman comics epitomize this approach. Please let us know if you like his stories! And of course, when you need a Superhero to help with database modernization or AI/data-driven business enhancement, be sure to think of us at AnswerPoint: the power behind Dataman.


See the latest edition of The Amazing Dataman Comics here!

Ed Weisberg is VP of Sales and Marketing at AnswerPoint,LLC can be reached at to answer any of your questions.




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