February 10, 2023   adminanswerpointadmin

Why is a Database Like a Dog?

-by Ed Weisberg

“There is no beauty like a finely trained database” -unknown.

Lately, we have been having a debate in my family as to whether our dog is a black dog with white spots, or a white dog with black spots.  What do you think?  As with data, it’s a matter of perspective.   Using the same logic we can ask, whether the members of your company need to access your customer database by company name, or by person.   Who needs it more? 

Like a dog, databases are fundamentally all the same deep inside.   There is tremendous potential, wasted if you don’t use it.   Most dogs have the remnants of their original breading, and they remain loyal to their inbred skills.  But how many beagles are still used to hunt rabbits for dinner?    Most have been transitioned to be loving pets, who now serve their masters by knowing how to sit, shake, and beg.

Perhaps it’s time to bring a new perspective to your databases.  The way they were optimized when first implemented may not fit what they are used for today.   Over the years, new fields have been tacked on to customer records.  Things like email addresses, website URLs, and cellphone numbers may not have been part of the initial database schema.  Product databases may have changed as your company’s products and services have evolved.  As added fields, they can be found, but they may not be structured as primary keys, even though they are used that way.   

At AnswerPoint, we are specialists in database optimization.  We eat, sleep, and live database design.  We know “that dog can hunt”, but perhaps that’s not its purpose in life anymore!

As outside technical experts, we are not blinded by ‘the way it has always been done”.  With an audit of your systems and business processes, we will ensure that they are aligned to support your growth and evolution.  We bring both the technical and business skills to quickly comprehend your business needs, and assess ways to ensure that you have access to the data to react quickly and appropriately.  An audit will help you sleep at night, and more importantly, will give you the power to run like a greyhound during the day. Give us a call or email us today and let’s see how we can help streamline your business processes for growth.

-Ed Weisberg is VP of Sales at AnswerPoint, LLC.  You can reach him at


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